Product Data Requirements


Product Data

We will import your data into Profeed, to make this process quicker and easier please provide us with your product data in some sort of electronic format (e.g. xls spreadsheet)

  • Country Exclusions – If you have any products that cannot be sold in the UK (e.g. materials dont confirm to UK standards etc), please clearly indicate this on the data so we can ignore those items
  • Drop Shipping Costs – If your drop ship costs are included in your trade price, please also make us aware of this. If they are separate please include them in the product data 
  • Images 
    • File Names – If possible please name your images using the product code/sku, this makes thing much faster when importing date into Profeed.
    • Format – JPG or PNG, on upload we store the original and also create a web optimised copy and a small version for thumbnails. All of these are available to the retailer.
    • Naming –  ideally names with the sku in the filename e.g. sku123-a.jpg, sku123-b.jpg or similar, our bulk media importer will detect and match multiple images to the correct product using the sku as the search term in the filename

Stock Levels

Please let us know how you would like us to handle stock levels there are several standard models we can support and in the automation section below  you can see the various ways we can receive this.


  1. True Stock Availability – with this method we would ideally receive some sort of file from you with the sku and current stock level on a regular base (see automation section for options below.
  2. On/Off Stock Availability – with this method stock is either available or not available. To automate this we need a file either listing INSTOCK or OUTOFSTOCK items on a regular basis, we can script an import to accommodate either. Generally INSTOCK items are increased to a nominal figure (e.g. 250) and OUTOFSTOCK items are decreased to 0, this will stop them being orderable by retailers (unless ordering OUTOFSTOCK items is enabled on your account).


We can receive stock levels from you in two main ways :

File Transfer

If your system can provide an export of stock levels to a CSV file, this can then be sent to us to update stock levels, either manually or automatically.





We can receive this either by:

  1. Via Email – we can provide you with a special email address which we monitor and automatically process any files we find there.
  2. Via FTP/SFTP – if you prefer to drop a file in an ftp/sftp location that’s fine too, we can even provide one if you don’t have one.
  3. Manual Upload – if you prefer you can update stock levels using our powerful import tool, we can assist you setting this up

Order Management

When we receive orders from our retailers, we pass them straight on to you, our standard method is to simply email you the order details however we also have other options available to allow you to automate this process to reduce admin time as volumes increase. We can support:

  1. Via FTP/SFTP – if you prefer we can export your orders (usually daily) into a ftp/sftp location (we can even provide one if you don’t have one). The files contain everything you need to import the orders into your systems.
  2. API – if you prefer you can query our API to retrieve orders as often as you wish
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